Welcome my friend,
so happy you have found me here … at SDJ S.O.U.L (Spiritual Online Universal Learning). These courses have been created with the intention of YOU, the participant, walking through them step-by-step, in your own time and space.

Each course is based on one of my books ...
and/or one of my live online courses, so they are all proven to be very impactful and full of great nuggets of information.
Here are the available courses:

Invoking The Archangels
If you are looking to connect more with Archangels and Angels, I would start with the Invoking the Archangels Course
Archangel Michael or Raphael
If you want some one-on-one experience with Archangel Michael or Archangel Raphael, then start with either one of those courses, based on where you feel guided.

The Love Never Ends
If you have recently experienced the loss of a loved one and are new to connecting to the spirit world, OR you have many in the spirit world you would like to connect with more often, then The Love Never Ends is the course for you.
Body Revival
If you struggle to listen to and honor your body, have been diagnosed with an illness or disease, or have body image issues, the Body Revival Course is all about that, and MUCH, MUCH more. I personally struggled so much with the body … and this is my lifetime of experiences wrapped up in a full course.

Detox Your Life
Detox Your Life is a wide array of mind, body, spirit and emotion topics over a 44-day period … so you can pick one to focus on for the day, or even one for a week.
Purchase access to all 6 online courses with this ALL ACCESS pass and SAVE!! Lifetime Access
Courses include:
Invoking The Archangels
The Love Never Ends
Archangel Michael: Maintain your Energy 33-Day Guidebook
Archangel Raphael: Healing & Restoration 33-Day Guidebook
Detox Your Life
Body Revival

Go Live & Thrive
Building Connection, Community & Currency in 5 Minutes a Day
This is a self-paced, online course with the added benefit of an upcoming LIVE Q&A session on Tuesday, June 15 to lock in your learning from the 3-part video series.

Spirit Speaks LIVE!
Together, with the help of our guides and angels, you will join me live every month to ask your questions and raise your vibration into alignment with the Spirit world and find out what Spirit wants you to know.
You’ve Got Angel Mail!!
Through this revitalizing series of everyday celestial invocations, your heart and mind will open to and connect with the graceful yet potent power of the angelic realm.
Your Angel Prayers contain 365 unique, sacred invocations for all your immediate and unforeseen needs (and so much more)

Supportive Products
Purchase A Book
If you would like to purchase the book that corresponds to any of these courses, they can all be purchased here.
Meet Your Instructor - Sunny Dawn Johnston
Sunny Dawn Johnston is an acclaimed transformational thought leader, changemaker and psychic medium. She is the author of twenty books, including her flagship bestsellers, Invoking the Archangels and The Love Never Ends, which have become the cornerstones for many of her keynote topics such as intuition, mediumship, and the angelic realm.